lunes, 20 de junio de 2016

SoloBSD 10.3-STABLE-v46.4

There is a new build of SoloBSD 10.3-STABLE based on the latest HardenedBSD stable branch version 46.4

Changelog v46.4

You can grab it from Here. (47.6 Mb)

 root password: solobsd

viernes, 17 de junio de 2016

SoloBSD Mastering: ezjail and iocage

Today I decided to give a try again on jails in FreeBSD/HardenedBSD and found this great Tutorial about handling jails with ezjail.

I must confess that this is the first time I am playing around with jails, mostly because I have always used BSD systems inside Virtual Machines and didn´t know if I can run jails inside VMs. But now I know you can!

It is really simple to deploy a jail using ezjail, you can customize your jail using the configuration file and you are good to go. I have small issues on HardenedBSD because ezjail by default fetches source packages from I wanted to create a HardenedBSD jail fetching packages but at the moment the project doesn´t have an FTP site configured for this. So I had to go with FreeBSD sources.

I had to install it without ports because HardenedBSD doesn´t use portsnap. But at the end I was able to log into the jail without any problems and was able to install packages inside of the jail. I know there are several more ways to install FreeBSD inside a jail, which I will explore in future posts.


I just tried with iocage, following this excellent Tutorial and I think it is easier to manage jails with it. You need less things to be configured in order to run the jail.

This time the test system was PC-BSD, and pulled FreeBSD 10.2-RELEASE sources, this system is running with ZFS and iocage created all datasets needed automatically, how cool is that?

Comparing with Docker, I think I like jails more!

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2016

SoloBSD 10.3-STABLE-v46.2

There is a new build of SoloBSD 10.3-STABLE based on the latest HardenedBSD stable branch version 46.2

You can grab it from Here. (61.7 Mb)

root password: solobsd

SoloBSD Mastering: GitHub

For some weeks, I have been trying to use GitHub to manage the SoloBSD Project and make things easier for me.

So I started documenting myself and first I got to this useful Cheat Sheet. With the help of this one I was able to clone, pull, make changes to my code and push them to the remote repo. But something was missing, I need to sync my modified repo with the official HardenedBSD Stable repo in order to have the latest commits in mine.

I found this straightforward video:

Basically, what I did was:

  • Add an upstream inside my project's path.
  • Fetch the changes from it.
  • Merge the changes into my code.
  • Push them into my remote repo.
Voilà! Now my GitHub repo is synced with the HardenedBSD Stable repo.
