martes, 26 de julio de 2016

SoloBSD 10.3-STABLE-v46.6

There is a new build of SoloBSD 10.3-STABLE based on the latest HardenedBSD stable branch version 46.6

Changelog v46.6
Now with script included from Martin Sugioarto. Check Instructions of use.


Be aware that running it on a drive containing a filesystem will DESTROY data, metadata and perhaps even the entire filesystem.

You can grab it from Here. (48.3 Mb)

 root password: solobsd

lunes, 18 de julio de 2016

SoloBSD 10.3-STABLE-v46.5

There is a new build of SoloBSD 10.3-STABLE based on the latest HardenedBSD stable branch version 46.5

Changelog v46.5
Now with script included from Martin Sugioarto. Check Instructions of use.


Be aware that running it on a drive containing a filesystem will DESTROY data, metadata and perhaps even the entire filesystem.

You can grab it from Here. (48.4 Mb)

 root password: solobsd

lunes, 4 de julio de 2016

SoloBSD Mastering: GELI

Ok, since I am reading Michael Lucas' FreeBSD Mastery: Storage Essentials I decided to get my hands dirty and learn about GELI and disk encryption. Here are my notes:

First of all, you need a new device to encrypt, you can encrypt existing devices, but you need to backup data first. I assume too that you have GELI up and running.
  • Randomizing the device.
          We want our device to be filled by randomness, so we apply three teaspoons of it:
           dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/ada0p1 bs=1m
           I went the easy way and encrypted without a key file, this is NOT RECOMMENDED, so create your key file. (You can find how in the book :) )
  • Initializing the provider.
           geli init -s 4096 /dev/ada1p1
          You will receive the next message:
Metadata backup can be found in /var/backups/ad1p1.eli and can be restored with the following command:
# geli restore /var/backups/ada1p1.eli /dev/ada1p1

  • Activate the device.
geli attach /dev/ada1p1
Ok now you have your device ready, let's create a new filesystem on it and mount it:
newfs -j /dev/ada1p1.eli
 mount /dev/ada1p1.eli /mnt/
Done? Ok now unmount and detach it.
umount /mnt
 geli detach ada1p1.eli

Editando en Modo de Rescate

Cuando necesites cambiar la configuración de algún archivo, mientras estás en modo de rescate, solo debes hacer:

# fsck -y
# mount -u /
# /rescue/vi /etc/fstab
# mount -a
# exit
Y listo!