Changelog v6.0
Changelog SoloBSD 6.0.1:
- Added fonts packages
- i3 conf file cleanup
This respin is based on the work of the SnasciOS project.
Installed packages are:
- Firefox
- Hexchat
- Git
- feh
- rofi
- compton
- dunst
- scrot
- liberation-fonts
- noto-fonts
- Powerline-fonts
- roboto-fonts
- ubuntu-fonts
The i3wm runs with customized conf and i3status.conf files which you can override creating yours. $mod key is set to Windows key.
Installation is exactly the same as installing OpenBSD, just add +site60.tgz in the packages selection stage. After the install you will be prompted for your OpenBSD mirror of preference in order to install our selection of software packages. On completion of install, reboot and enjoy!
You can grab it from Here. (516 Mb)
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